A company dedicated to taking the pain out of change. Based on the book The 5 Forces of Change we help leaders to engagement people positively with change and help those affected by change to work with it in a constructive way that benefits them as well as their organsiation. See www.5forcesofchange.com for details of our 'Leading Change' and 'Embracing Change' workshops.It's no surprise when people avoid or oppose change.But what if leaders could turn the situation on its head by working with the grain human nature rather than against it?What if people going through change could take control of their reactions and adapt faster?What would this be worth to your organisation?Too often, organisations fail to achieve a return on investment in change. At the heart of the matter is the effect of change on people; the very things that drive them to excel at work are deeply threatened. The good news is that by understanding what makes people tick leaders can learn to channel people's energy in pursuit of change rather than opposing it andpeople can learn to work positively with it.. The result is an organisation that adapts quickly to the needs of a rapidly transforming world.