Since 1986, ANIW projects have been impact oriented and directed towards empowering immigrant women to overcome the institutional and societal challenges of settling in Alberta including mitigating the adverse effects of discrimination and racism within our workplaces and community. These attitudes are manifested in the lack of employment, advancement and training opportunities, inadequate access to existing leadership skills and/or a scarcity of programs and resources to develop new leadership and managerial skills that are acceptable for the Canadian environment. As a result, immigrant women in particular are vulnerable to economic insecurity, lack of recognition of foreign credentials and face severe difficulties finding suitable jobs for which they had been educated, trained, and practiced in their home countries. Over the years, ANIW has successfully championed economic security for immigrant women through developing critical channels for professional success such as those for foreign-trained doctors and currently, dentists. ANIW has also continued to contribute to the economic security of immigrants through our leadership program aimed at harnessing existing skills & talent while developing critical analytical & life skills needed to be successful in the workplace in Canada.