Hi, we're Debra and Gus, Founders of the Wellness Buddies.We're on a mission to educate everyone about natural health solutions. We met while training as Nutritional therapists at the College of Naturopathic Medicine and during that time we discovered many different ways to help people reach an optimum state of health. Whilst eating well forms the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, there are so many other elements that also need to be in place to feel really great. From exercise, to rest and managing stress, to reducing your toxic load and being more informed about how to care for yourself, being proactive about how you manage your health is key - prevention is so much better than cure! With workplace wellbeing so high on the corporate agenda, we want to bring our unique blend of natural solutions to you and your employees. We want you to have a healthy, productive and engaged workforce and we want to help you do it in a fun and engaging way. We want to be your Wellness Buddies! We have lots of different ways to support you and a whole network of other Wellness Buddies we can introduce you to. We'd love to see how we might work together, so get in touch today and let's talk! With all our best wishes Debra and GusYour Wellness Buddies