Dakota Technologies (Dakota) provides state-of-the-art services for hazardous waste site investigations, specializing in the rapid site assessment of subsurface LNAPL and multi-component DNAPL. Incorporated in 1993, Dakota has an experienced staff with over 100 years of combined experience in developing and deploying direct push screening tools for site investigations.We are a leading international service provider of a full and expanding suite of High-Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) technologies. These technologies are offered on all direct push platforms, including percussion and cone penetration test (CPT) rigs.HRSC services include:• Ultra Violet Optical Screening Tool (UVOST®) and UVOST-HP• Tar-specific Green Optical Screening Tool (TarGOST®) and TarGOST-HP• Dye-enhanced Laser Induced Fluorescence (DyeLIF™)• Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT)• Membrane Interface Probe (MIP)• MIP combined with HPT (MiHpt)Dakota is the only HRSC service provider that combines the LIF and hydraulic profiling (HP) technologies into integrated tools, enabling users to collect high resolution hydrostratigraphic profile data simultaneously with UVOST, TarGOST and DyeLIF data. Our advanced data analysis services are available for all LIF projects, and our 2D and 3D data visualization services support our clients' development of conceptual site models.In addition to full service HRSC capabilities, Dakota also provides direct push soil and ground water sampling and hollow-stem auger services using all-terrain and truck-mounted equipment, and is a licensed monitoring well installation contractor (where required) in Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia and Wisconsin.