Online purveyor of quality outdoor gear, including the Bushcraft USA Tarps, as well as Bushcraft USA swag.Bushcraft USA Tarps come in multiple sizes and colors. The sizes are 12' x 10', 10' x 10', 10' x 7' and the MEST (Multiple-purpose Emergency Survival Tarp), which measures 5' x 7'. All tarps come with tabs instead of grommets. This presents an even pull and are field repairable with dental floss, thread or inner strands from 550 parachute cord.The colors and patterns of the Bushcraft USA Tarps are coyote, woodland camouflage, A-TACS FG & AU, and Multicam.We carry silnylon tarps in the olive-brown color and we offer a SAR (Search And Rescue) silnylon MEST in blaze orange.Other items carried by Bushcraft Outfitters includes water carriers, fire starters, map cases, compass', first-aid kits, knives, sharpening stones/rods, etc.