Gwen Miller

academic advisor at Springfield Technical Community College - Springfield, Massachusetts, US

Gwen Miller's Contact Details
(413) 781-7822
Springfield, Massachusetts Area
Springfield Technical Community College
Gwen Miller's Company Details
Springfield Technical Community College logo, Springfield Technical Community College contact details

Springfield Technical Community College

Springfield, Massachusetts, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

STCC, the Commonwealth's only technical community college, continues the pioneering legacy of the Springfield Armory with comprehensive and technical education in manufacturing, STEM, healthcare, business, social work, and the liberal arts. STCC's highly regarded workforce, certificate, degree, and transfer programs are the most affordable in Springfield and provide unequalled opportunity for the vitality of Western Massachusetts. Founded in 1967, the college – a designated Hispanic Serving Institution – seeks to close achievement gaps among students who traditionally face societal barriers. STCC supports students as they transform their lives through intellectual, cultural, and economic engagement while becoming thoughtful, committed and socially responsible graduates.

Hispanic Serving Institution Healthcare Programs Liberal Arts
Details about Springfield Technical Community College
Frequently Asked Questions about Gwen Miller
Gwen Miller currently works for Springfield Technical Community College.
Gwen Miller's role at Springfield Technical Community College is academic advisor.
Gwen Miller's email address is *** To view Gwen Miller's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Gwen Miller works in the College/University industry.
Gwen Miller's colleagues at Springfield Technical Community College are Heather Barstow, Cliff Porter, Richard Burns, Dorothy Ungerer, Sheryl Elia-Fullen, Pamela Westmoreland, Jennifer Martinez-Stefaniak and others.
Gwen Miller's phone number is (413) 781-7822
See more information about Gwen Miller