Assistant Professor at University of Thi Qar - College of Science - Nasiriyah, N/A, iq
Manager of Training and Technical Support Unit, Quality Assurance Depatment
University of Thi Qar - College of Science is an Iraqi university located in Nasiriyah, Iraq. It was established in 2002. Originally, the university was a branch of the University of Basrah, and the University branch was established in 1992. In 2002, the branch became independent of Basrah University and University of Thi Qar - College of Science was founded, Its first graduating class was in 2004.Academic Degrees Offered by the University:BS, MS and PhD in BiologyBS, MS and PhD in ChemistryBS, MS and PhD in of PhysicsBS in Medical AnalyticsBS in Applied GeologyMission Statement: To prepare highly qualified alumni and scientific researchers, distinguished in their high standards of knowledge and intellectual ability that comply with the international sound criteria of accreditation and quality assurance for the engineering and scientific programs and full commitments of the professional ethics.