Social Media Marketing Specialist at Senior Steps - IT training center - Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
We take immense pleasure in introducing ourselves to you as Senior Steps – IT training Center. We are one of the latest entrant in the Egyptian IT training industry with world-class facilities, qualified calibers of trainers and support engineers, widest range of courses covering entire IT learning space and technologies.Each year Senior Steps imparts a complete plan of training days across Egypt through a variety of flexible training programs. These courses are mainly targeting the Education Sector in Egypt so as to qualify the students and fresh graduates to the Business Market.Senior Steps started its operation in the year 2013 and since then it has steadily grown to become among the largest providers of Information Technology Training in Egypt. Senior Steps continues to solidify its industry leadership position by developing the processes for delivering quality instruction for the largest technology training segments: desktop applications and technical training's.Now we are offering more courses covering the different IT industries and technologies, with hands-on laboratory exercises where learners apply what they learn in class.