ERAN is an NGO organization that provides mental health first-aid to all residents of Israel in emotional distress, on the telephone, mobile phone, and the Internet free of charge, anonymously and confidentially. A person in crisis, mental distress or contemplating suicide, will find in ERAN a reassuring ear. ERAN's mission is to "be there" for all people in need 24 hours a day all year round.Like the MDA, ERAN is the main address in Israel for mental health first aid in an emotional crisis. On the actual delivery of aid, ERAN service plays an essential role in preventing suicide and the organization also partners in developing and implementing the national plan to prevent suicide. In 2018, ERAN volunteers answered approximately 191,667 calls, of which 820 were suicide attempts in progress and 7,500 calls with suicidal content (thoughts, intentions, and threats).Parallel to the central hotline, ERAN operates various lines of assistance to sectorial populations to provide the best solution for the general public:ERAN for Soldiers and their families. ERAN for Children and youth. ERAN for Holocaust Survivors.ERAN in RussianERAN in ArabicERAN Online- an innovative service in Israel