Established in 1997, Mitsui Chemicals Asia Pacific, Ltd. (MCAP) is the Asia Pacific Regional Headquarter of Mitsui Chemicals Inc., covering ASEAN, South Asia, Nations along the Gulf in Middle East and Oceania. Being the Asia Pacific growth functional hub, MCAP strives to drive business growth, provide robust functional services to regional affiliates or businesses, and deliver values to customers leveraging full power of Mitsui Chemicals Group. MCAP is wholly-owned by Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.About Mitsui Chemicals Group in SingaporeSingapore is the home to six local affiliates for Mitsui Chemicals Group. Besides Mitsui Chemicals Asia Pacific, Ltd. (MCAP) is the Asia Pacific Regional Headquarter of Mitsui Chemicals Inc., the other five entities include Mitsui Phenols Singapore Pte. Ltd. (MPS), Mitsui Elastomers Singapore Pte Ltd (MELS), Prime Evolue Singapore Pte.Ltd. (EVLS), SDC Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (SDC AP) and Mitsui Chemicals Singapore R&D Centre Pte Ltd (MS R&D).