Dr. Hailey Lutz, DC providing individualized chiropractic care to St. Albert, Edmonton and the surrounding communities. Often our body compromises its structure + function and communicates this unintegrated storage of energy through symptomatology - i.e tension, fatigue, pain, illness. These are the common symptoms we see everyday as a chiropractor, and our job is to uncover the WHY. Why are you experiencing these symptoms and how can we help the nervous system ADAPT. We are here to hold space for the expression and observation of what your body is telling us through these symptoms. Through the Chiropractic adjustment we have the ability to transform these experiences - unleashing the healing power of the body. Innate centered chiropractic care focuses on not what is wrong with you, but what is already right within you. As you move through care at Soulfully Adjusted, it is not only our goal that you get out of pain, but that you learn to experience life to your greatest potential.