Advisory Board Chair at Centre For Media Transition - CMT - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
The Centre for Media Transition works across disciplines to explore and develop responses to the dramatic and ongoing movements wrought by digital disruption to the media industry, the role of journalism in Australian democracy and the world more widely, and the business models that support a diverse and prosperous industry.The Centre is an interdisciplinary initiative of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law. It was launched in July 2017.Through research and analysis, it will identify those elements of the old media landscape worth preserving; through industry engagement and policy analysis, it will develop the case for adapting these elements for contemporary media business and practice.The Centre for Media Transition sits in a cross-section of media, technology, regulation and business. Working with industry, the academy and other stakeholders, the CMT explores:-The changing nature of journalistic practice;ways in which citizens and media interact and how regulatory and ethical frameworks might adapt for this environment;-The ingredients of a competitive commercial media sector, built on sustainable business models and informed by the experience of other disrupted industries;-The development of a diverse media environment that embraces local, international and transnational issues and debate; and-Contemporary formulations of public interest informed by established and enduring principles such as accountability and the public right to know.