Hal Little

Engineer at Perkins & Co - Portland, Oregon, US

Hal Little's Contact Details
(503) 221-0336
Perkins & Co
Hal Little's Company Details
Perkins & Co logo, Perkins & Co contact details

Perkins & Co

Portland, Oregon, US • 252 Employees

Perkins & Co’s mission is to be a solution for clients who want the services and sophistication of a large firm (including our Global alliance with BDO), with the continuity of engagement personnel, personal attention from shareholders and managers, and fast response time typically found in smaller firms. Our entrepreneurial spirit, excellent service and proactive client approach have helped us become Portland’s largest locally-based accounting firm with over 165 employees, including our 26 shareholders. We believe there is not another firm in our area similar to Perkins & Co: a local, hands-on firm that provides national-level skill and resources. Since 1986, we have built an excellent reputation by providing value, keeping our company and our clients growing, and enjoying our work. As our clients have grown, we have grown alongside them, expanding our offerings to include services that go beyond traditional assurance and tax services. Despite our growth, the firm has stayed its course working with traditional Northwest businesses and organizations. Ranked the #1 Most Admired Accounting firm; #4 among all professional service firms, Perkins has 11 times been voted one of the Most Admired accounting firms in the area according to the Portland Business Journal. This award is determined by more than 1,800 CEOs across Oregon and Southwest Washington. Let's get connecting!

Assurance Small Business
Details about Perkins & Co
Frequently Asked Questions about Hal Little
Hal Little currently works for Perkins & Co.
Hal Little's role at Perkins & Co is Engineer.
Hal Little's email address is ***@perkinsaccounting.com. To view Hal Little's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Hal Little works in the Accounting industry.
Hal Little's colleagues at Perkins & Co are Azher Karim, Jasbir Gill, Ezz Elbannan, Tod Perkins, Scott Perkins, Nick Perkins, Andre Peach and others.
Hal Little's phone number is (503) 221-0336
See more information about Hal Little