President of Cambridge Consulting Conference (CCC) at Cambridge University Consulting Society - N/A, N/A, gb
Cambridge University Consulting Society is one of the largest societies at the University of Cambridge with over 3,000 members and the largest consultancy society. Through a range of educational events, networking events, international conferences, and socials, CUCS aims to provide members with opportunities to explore, develop and cultivate their interest in consulting. This year our vision is to diversify, both in our membership and opportunities offered. We aim to capture more first years and STEM students and offer more opportunities for consulting outside the traditional corporate sphere. The society is a place for everyone and as we grow together we want to expand our benefits as widely as possible. Membership is completely free and open to all students at the university, so be sure to sign up to our mailing list and keep up to date with our offerings.CUCS would like to thank our sponsors who continue to support our society and all our events. Our full list of sponsors is available on our website.