SHMCA is a group of highly experienced, young, dynamic & enthusiastic professionals started into the healthcare service industry with fulfilling the managerial requirements, providing management solutions on turnkey level and using training and professional development plus communication as a growing tool for Healthcare Business Solutions. We use excellent communication, system analysis, events, seminars and conferences as the tools to get introduced to the workforce of hospitals as a part of an ongoing program on a regular basis. We are the recruitment partners for our clients and a trusted consultant for healthcare professionals in India. Our focus is on fulfilling talent needs at all levels. SHMCA ( was formed with a mission to help and establish and help various types of hospitals with optimization of their resources so that the true potential of a hospital can be realized in the form of value created for all stakeholders, i.e. Patients, Healthcare Providers, Medical Professionals, Investors as well as Board of Trustees. We strive to create this value by leveraging diversified skills of each SHMCA partner in Healthcare industry, offering various options to establish excellent state of the art healthcare facilities, eliminating waste in operating hospitals, enabling healthcare business processes with appropriate technology and aligning healthcare staff with hospital goal.