It is a well-known fact that chronic poverty exists in East Africa. This is a long and grinding poverty which people live in for many years, and for some people, for their whole lives. This poverty is often passed on to their children, creating an intergenerational cycle of poverty. More than 70 percent of the block's poor people live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for food and livelihood, yet development assistance to agriculture is decreasing.Lack of access to markets is a problem for many small-scale enterprises in East Africa. The rural population is poorly organized and often isolated, beyond the reach of social safety nets and poverty programmes. Increasingly, government policies and investments in poverty reduction tend to favour urban over rural areas.According to research, rural poverty is deepening in Eastern and Southern Africa, where most of the region's 130 million poor people live in rural areas.Combining research and technology, we have started with an aim to ease on the problems mentioned above. We believe private sector has a role to play in this fight against poverty. Our model is based on ethical, social and economic values that will help drive poverty out of East Africa and Africa as a whole by proving a real opportunity to disadvantaged individuals have access to international markets through our platform.With our platform, any individual with skills to create something amazing and of high quality will have an opportunity to sell it to the market which is over 7 billion people.We believe East Africans are special and we thought they need to take this special opportunity. We invite all NGO, women & youth groups, private establishments and individuals to join this revolution. As one said, if you teach someone to fish, they will probably never ask you fish again.