Hidroist is a student team of İstanbul University that aims to design and manufacture efficient hydrogen powered vehicle for developing the future car technologies. The team attended The Tubitak (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Alternative Energy Car Races as hydrogen powered car for the first time in 2012. The team was awarded ‘'The Best Design Award (2012)''. Every year the team participate in The Tubitak's race. Also, the team participated in the Shell Eco-Marathon race in Urban Hydrogen Category. Shell Eco-marathon challenges student teams from around the world to design, build and test ultra energy-efficient vehicles. With annual events first in the Americas, then Europe and Asia, the winners are the teams that go the furthest using the least amount of energy. The events spark debate about the future of mobility and inspire young engineers to push the boundaries of fuel efficiency. Hidroist have finished in the 5th place out of 18 with 163 km/m3 consumption in 2015 although it was the first time of the team. Tubitak has changed the race's format from the speed race to the efficiency race in 2014. ‘Hidroist'14' spent 66,20 liters of hydrogen gas in 10 laps (approximately 19,5 km) and chosen as the most efficient hydrogen powered car of Turkey. Hidroist'14 became champion in 2014. The team is getting ready for the both Shell Eco-Marathon's and Tübitak's Energy-Efficient Car Races every year.