It is rightly said, "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."We, at Panbai International School, believe in 3P's - Perseverance, Persistence & Pristine. We recreate a community in the megapolis Mumbai to give 360° experience of life to our learners to ensue them beyond academics.Panbai International School offers its students an enriched learning experience through blended learning, holistic development, experiential learning, and an application-based curriculum that focuses on developing 21st-century skills.Apart from the curriculum traits (reading, writing, listening, speaking etc.), we create a healthy ambience for our learners by inculcating the habit to acquire financial literacy, techniques of conflict resolution, aesthetic discipline to appreciate all things beautiful, and love for honest labour to achieve personal and social goals. Apart from the curriculum traits (reading, writing, listening, speaking etc.), we create a healthy ambience for our learners by inculcating the habit to acquire financial literacy, techniques of conflict resolution, aesthetic discipline to appreciate all things beautiful, and love for honest labour to achieve personal and social goals.This is accomplished by our group of experts in the field – published writers, practicing finance experts, physicians, working economists, professional dancers and musicians, stage actors, directors, accomplished sportsperson, businesspersons, activists, and environmentalists. In each activity that we conduct a child gets a first-hand experience tailored to suit the age.So no wonder that our learners go out into the world armed with strategies that cut the clutter to listen beyond the noise. We ignite curiosity in our students through experiential learning, meta-cognition, and forbearance to comprehend the world around them to be an important member of all that they survey.The world needs educated minds now more than ever.