Hanna Rains

Office Administrator at Triad Growth Partners + AxNano - Greensboro, NC, US

Hanna Rains's Contact Details
High Point,North Carolina,United States
Triad Growth Partners + AxNano
Hanna Rains's Company Details
Triad Growth Partners + AxNano logo, Triad Growth Partners + AxNano contact details

Triad Growth Partners + AxNano

Greensboro, NC, US • 10 - 19 Employees
Market Research

At Triad Growth Partners, we are reminded that scientists, inventors and innovators hold the key to solving the biggest and most complex problems facing our world and its inhabitants. We continue to work hard and garner recognition for our achievements in environmental remediation, developing new strategic partnerships and new opportunities in both food and environmental safety and proving that our innovative approach to delivering value to our investors by demonstrating efficacy in our unique business model. Triad Growth Partners is a technology accelerator. We have a unique commercialization process, a broad and deep network of experts, and strategic relationships with academic research centers, federal research laboratories, commercial companies and funding sources.BIG, BOLD THINKING HERE.We advance discoveries that solve important problems for large global markets.

Commericalization Nanotech Innovation Environmental Sustainablity Groundwater Remediation Joint Ventures Food Safety Smart Materials Fund and Captial Raising Investment Private Equity Chemistry Energy Science SBIR/STTR NSF NIST NIH I-Corps Technology Development Business Development
Details about Triad Growth Partners + AxNano
Frequently Asked Questions about Hanna Rains
Hanna Rains currently works for Triad Growth Partners + AxNano.
Hanna Rains's role at Triad Growth Partners + AxNano is Office Administrator.
Hanna Rains's email address is ***@triadgrowthpartners.com. To view Hanna Rains's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Hanna Rains works in the Research industry.
Hanna Rains's colleagues at Triad Growth Partners + AxNano are Julia Darcy, Doug Speight, Danilo Meyer-Arrivillaga, Alexis Carpenter, Laura Grace and others.
Hanna Rains's phone number is 336-217-5171
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