Hannah Johns

social worker at Children's Aid - New York, New York, US

Hannah Johns's Contact Details
(212) 567-5787
Children's Aid
Hannah Johns's Company Details
Children's Aid logo, Children's Aid contact details

Children's Aid

New York, New York, US • 1768 Employees

Our Mission: Children's Aid helps children in poverty to succeed and thrive. We do this by providing comprehensive supports to children and their families in targeted high-needs New York City neighborhoods. For 170 years, Children’s Aid has been committed to ensuring that there are no boundaries to the aspirations of young people, no limits to their potential. We are leading a comprehensive counterattack on the obstacles that threatens kids’ achievement in school and in life. At Children’s Aid, we are teachers and social workers, coaches and health care providers. We know what it takes to ensure children grow up strong and healthy, and ready to thrive in school and life.

Child Poverty Social Work Comprehensive Support Education Social Services Community Outreach Youth Family Support Early Childhood Education Health Care
Details about Children's Aid
Frequently Asked Questions about Hannah Johns
Hannah Johns currently works for Children's Aid.
Hannah Johns's role at Children's Aid is social worker.
Hannah Johns's email address is ***@childrensaidnyc.org. To view Hannah Johns's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Hannah Johns works in the Non-Profit industry.
Hannah Johns's colleagues at Children's Aid are Tracy Savage, Destiny Font, Courtney Bishop, Nadia Rodriguez, Banshe Smith, Athena Perry, Elise Bethmann and others.
Hannah Johns's phone number is ["+12547225021"]
See more information about Hannah Johns