Hannah Nichols

Customer Value Specialist at Shannons Insurance - Berrimah, Northern Territory, AU

Hannah Nichols's Contact Details
+61 1300 135 335
Sydney,New South Wales,Australia
Shannons Insurance
Hannah Nichols's Company Details
Shannons Insurance logo, Shannons Insurance contact details

Shannons Insurance

Berrimah, Northern Territory, AU • 102 Employees

Importantly, Shannons not only know all about the vehicles we sell and what they are worth, we know where the buyers are. Shannons is Australia's foremost auctioneer of veteran, vintage, classic, sporting and modified vehicles, as well as classic motorcycles, motoring memorabilia and numerical number plates. Shannons takes the hassle and frustration out of the selling process, and offers enthusiasts the convenience of purpose built showrooms in both Sydney and Melbourne. Nationally, we insure more vintage, veteran, classic vehicles and road bikes than anyone else. Shannons know the market because we talk to thousands of enthusiasts every day about their vehicles and their motoring passion. Shannons Auctions are promoted widely and always well attended by genuine buyers, so it's not surprising more than 80 percent of lots sell on the day of the auction.

Classic Car Insurance
Details about Shannons Insurance
Frequently Asked Questions about Hannah Nichols
Hannah Nichols currently works for Shannons Insurance.
Hannah Nichols's role at Shannons Insurance is Customer Value Specialist.
Hannah Nichols's email address is ***@shannons.com.au. To view Hannah Nichols's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Hannah Nichols works in the Insurance industry.
Hannah Nichols's colleagues at Shannons Insurance are Smith Roy, Mark Butler, Tony Vecchio, Scott Chamberlain, Jack Marriott, Phil Cotton, Stephen Wills and others.
Hannah Nichols's phone number is +61 1300 135 335
See more information about Hannah Nichols