Take 3 is an Australian charity removing rubbish from the environment through education programs, international campaigns and clean-ups. Take 3's call to action is simple: Take 3 pieces of rubbish with you when you leave the beach, waterway or... anywhere and you have made a difference. The message has sparked a global movement that encourages everyone to get involved and help protect our oceans from plastic pollution. Take 3 has educated over half a million students through school education programs, more than 100,000 people have participated at Take 3 clean-ups and events, and their global #Take3fortheSea campaign has removed over 30 million pieces of rubbish from the environment. Take 3's purpose is driven by connection to the ocean, wherever we are, we are connected to it. The ocean provides us with the oxygen we breathe and the climate that sustains us. We need a healthy ocean for our own survival. Yet plastic pollution is killing wildlife, devastating oceans and threatening the health of our planet. Plastic represents a disconnection. It's a material designed to last forever that we often use only once. Poorly managed plastic leaks into the sea as the ocean is downhill from everywhere. Donate to Take 3 today and join our movement.#Take3fortheSea