The Banks Group is a diversified corporation with three independent divisions, providing services ranging from mapping and document research to regulatory consulting. Our clients cover a broad industry spectrum including oil & gas, environmental/engineering, real estate, law, industrial and renewable energy. Our team of professionals offers a broad range of experience in GIS, environmental planning, resource management, and regulatory analysis.BANKS ENVIRONMENTAL DATA, INC. provides current and accurate environmental risk management information . With nationwide capabilities and the most user-friendly reports in the industry, we effectively meet your environmental due diligence needs. BANKS OIL AND GAS CONSULTING, INC meets the regulatory research and compliance consulting needs for E&P and other oil and gas related companies, from Fortune 500 companies to small independents. Our staff have the experience necessary to get your permitting needs met properly and quickly with all appropriate regulatory agencies. We also offer technical solutions to manage your drilling and production data online for improved day-to-day operations and efficiency.