Hannah Worcester

case manager at AIDS Care Ocean State - Providence, RI, US

Hannah Worcester's Contact Details
401 521-3603
AIDS Care Ocean State
Hannah Worcester's Company Details
AIDS Care Ocean State logo, AIDS Care Ocean State contact details

AIDS Care Ocean State

Providence, RI, US • 100 - 249 Employees

AIDS Care Ocean State (ACOS) is dedicated to providing quality housing, case management, medical & nursing care, and prevention to adults, families, adolescents & children who are affected by or at risk for HIV infection. ACOS will act as an advocate for individuals and families at risk while providing those support services needed to ensure and maintain a high quality of life for the people we serve.ACOS has earned its place as an established, trusted & valued part of the community and is seen as the leading force in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Currently, we provide services to more than 500 families and we have been and remain firmly rooted in the belief that everyone has the right to quality healthcare and equal access to HIV prevention, treatment & support. Our vision is a world with no new HIV infections, and those living with HIV and/or AIDS do so with support, equality, respect & dignity.

HIV/AIDS Education HIV & HEP C Testing Case Management Housing HIV & HEP C Testing Hospital/Clinic Specialty Hospitals Except Psychiatric
Details about AIDS Care Ocean State
Frequently Asked Questions about Hannah Worcester
Hannah Worcester currently works for AIDS Care Ocean State.
Hannah Worcester's role at AIDS Care Ocean State is case manager.
Hannah Worcester's email address is ***@aidscareos.org. To view Hannah Worcester's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Hannah Worcester works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.
Hannah Worcester's colleagues at AIDS Care Ocean State are Michelle Langlois, Pamela Dee, Osvaldo Lugo, Katie Smith, Tricia Cadorette, Alex Brock, Richmond Flowers and others.
Hannah Worcester's phone number is 401 521-3603
See more information about Hannah Worcester