All marketing starts with understanding. Understanding the uniqueness of your prospects and customers. Understanding what drives their behavior. To deliver superior performance. At ICOM, we connect brands with consumers. Using industry-leading data, we provide a comprehensive picture of your prospects and customers - intimate knowledge of what makes them tick as individuals. Understand how best to engage them and build loyalty. Get connected with ICOM. Data Solutions We gather more of it than anyone else. Then we parse it, combine it, test it and turn it into so much more. Ignite your marketing programs with the industry's most powerful combination of unique, robust data and connect with prospects and customers in relevant ways to drive acquisition, retention and growth. Consumer Promotional Programs Acquire more of your best. Engage and inspire loyalty through relevant, personalized communication. Tap into new targeting techniques including interactive and integrated solutions. Connect with your most valuable customers and prospects in cost effective ways to drive ROI. Analytics If data is raw opportunity, analytics are the tools to filter, refine, and mold opportunity into strategy. With our Analytics solutions, you get the capabilities and expertise to identify, predict, and measure your best prospects and most profitable segments.