Inmatic, formerly known as Informatic Technologies, established over 15 years ago, is an Australian owned and operated business. Inmatic is a software development company specialising in the manufacturing industry. We are the technology partner for businesses both locally and globally, most notably in Europe.Inmatic is excited by what is being called the 4th Industrial Revolution - making factories into Smart Factories. This means using technologies to make all aspects of the manufacturing process smoother, error free and more cost effective.In recent years we have integrated software and machinery of several medium sized companies, streamlining their processes from stock to delivery, from order entry to invoice. We support the production planner in creating batches, sort out materials, calculate layouts on stock sheets, generate cut code, send feeder jobs to load stock sheets from stock, tell the sorter where to sort the pieces and later to feed them to the assembly line in the requested sequence.Inmatic are also specialists in solving optimisation problems. Optimising packing and delivery, and can handle complex overall optimisation problems, for example, spanning from batch generation to delivery, to minimising the overall costs including waste, production efficiency, packing and delivery.Visit