ASTOUND is the brainchild of all the wins, and the not so wins, from the past decade's worth of W2 work. I'd always wanted to create a better way of servicing small businesses, entrepreneurs and nonprofits and this is it. ASTOUND's goal is to provide a holistic solution to the digital needs of folks just like us. The underdogs, the rebels, the virtual offices of the world, and the WeWorkers all the way through to restaurants, private chefs, private chauffeurs, bars, coffee shops, and more. Please feel free to check out some of our work on our portfolio on our website. (·TOUND.ME·DI·A/ƏˈSTOUND/ /DÄT/ /ˈMĒDĒƏ/NOUN- a company whose mission statement and values say it all as it relates to your prospects and customers.- the domain of said company.MISSION STATEMENTTo redefine the status quo & CAPTIVATE your audience.VALUESLeadership. Determination. Transparency.