Sales and founding partner at Direct Drinks Distribution - Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Direct Drinks Distribution, allowing brands to sell directly to consumers internationally, with local duties paid.Why would brands be interested?The market share for E-Commerce keeps growing, and the Internet offers a wide spectrum of possibilities for brands to present themselves to consumers. Brand pages are be created providing consumers insight in products and brand values, and Social Media has made communication lines between brands and final consumers shorter than ever before. Perfect for brands to use to create loyal fans and followers through their own pages.The thing that is missing however, is a direct multi-country sales channel to serve the potential customer. With European Excise Duty Laws as they are, it is impossible to easily ship from one country to another with local duties paid. As a result, large companies such as Amazon are often referred to as the local online point of sale, but come at the expense of margin and bring no insight in conversion.Selling directly to consumersWe noticed many brands strongly have the desire to sell directly on-line to consumers, often for various reasons:-They have no insight in conversion of their online marketing spend-They desire to build a database of their customers for future (marketing) purposes-They have good traffic on their own website but no possibility to sell-They have an online-only strategy-They have no local distributor present in each European country-They have the desire for better marginsOur solutionTo all challenges stated above, Direct Drinks Distribution proudly offers a solution. Through our network of companies and local excise office, we can ship with the local duties paid to the following countries:-Germany-United Kingdom-France-Austria-Netherlands-Belgium-Sweden-And expanding. On the short term we have confirmed:-Spain, Italy.-Outside of the European Union we can provide products to 30 different countries excluding excise and VAT.