Leadership consultant & coach at The Gaia Project for Women's Leadership - Los Angeles, California, US
What We Do: We are the world's leading provider of New Paradigm Women's Leadership training and coaching, cultivating women's leadership from the ground up and advancing new models of leadership that allow all of us to share our gifts, grow the bottom line, and lead holistic lives in the process. Why We Do It: We believe that traditional paradigms of leadership-- ones that value metrics of time and money above all else-- are outdated and no longer suited for today’s high-paced, tech-savvy environments. All leaders, and women leaders more than most, are at the cutting edge of new models of leadership that are changing the world for the better, growing corporations to new heights and creating healthier lives for all of us. We’re here to light the path and lead the way. How You Can Get Involved: We offer virtual and live training programs to cultivate women leaders everywhere. And if you’re ready to go deep, we certify executives and coaches in our leadership methodology so that our mission can continue to grow around the world. Learn more at gaialeadershipproject.com.