OVET is a stevedore company specialized in storing, transhipping and processing of dry bulk goods. With over 100 employees, we can offer you the highest quality and flexibility in services. We can achieve a total unloading capacity of as much as 80,000 tons dry bulk per day by the use of our four floating cranes.The base of the high quality services is formed by a continuous focus on the questions and requirements of our clients. Every OVET employee knows their daily duty of providing good service and quality, they deliver the best possible personal service available in the whole ARA range. This distinguishes OVET dry bulk terminal as the specialist and leader when it comes to the treating of and the flexibility and quality in dry bulk.This is the greatest interest of our organization, which makes OVET the leader where the handling of solid fuels is concerned. Flexibility in dry bulk - Flexible by natureShareholders HES International (49.9%) and Oxbow (50.1%)