ABOUT SECUOSSecuoS specialises in security of supply. We optimise the value chain of continuous production systems. Our advanced models evaluate all relevant risks and help to develop optimal designs. We deliver comprehensive studies to underpin investment decisions.OUR SERVICESSecuoS consultants pioneered the most advanced supply and demand models known to the industry. We originated from oil and gas majors and have been an independent company since 2010. Our track record includes the world's largest projects. Availability modelling of large, complex and integrated systems is our bread and butter. Our consultants are pragmatic and have skin in the game. Through a structured dialogue, we ensure that all stakeholders reach agreement on the modelling assumptions.SecuoS performs security of supply and production availability studies. The scope of our studies ranges from single projects to large supply networks. We improve the system availability, equipment reliability, and technical integrity. The process and tools that we have developed are universally applicable. Our roots are in the oil, gas and petrochemicals markets. We are now expanding into the various renewable energy sectors and beyond.OUR PLATFORMARTIS is the Availability and Reliability Tracking Information System. It is our platform to build highly efficient models for computing the available capacity of continuous production systems. We use ARTIS also for reporting, training and workshops. The ARTIS models simulate the impact of events like maintenance, equipment failures, and stochastic weather patterns. Our flagship applications are ARTIS Live and ARTIS Renewables. Our applications are designed to underpin difficult investment decisions.