Due to many advances in the dental field, poor oral hygiene has been linked to health complications such as gingivitis, sleep irregularity, and, possibly, stroke. In addition, research has shown that irregular brushing may lead to the accretion of bacteria, which can eventually cause heart and digestive problems. Considering the severity of these issues, it is surprising that many individuals are unhampered by these adverse effects. However, this is mainly because three commodities within the average household can solve the majority of these issues: a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. For many of us, constant access to these supplies is often taken for granted. However, within many countries throughout the world, many are unable to regularly access food and clean water, let alone the dental supplies necessary for the proper maintenance of oral hygiene. As a result, the rate of oral infections is rampant worldwide, often including children as young as three and adults up to 50 years and older.We at Project Dental All want to advocate proper dental hygiene for those who are not fortunate enough to have access to the products necessary to take care of their oral health. Project Dental All is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is collecting donations of dental supplies (CHILDREN'S toothbrushes, CHILDREN'S toothpaste and dental floss), acquiring funds in order to ship these items, educating the children about proper dental care, and spreading the word of this vital movement. Mother Theresa once said, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." Even though we can't provide oral care for the whole continent at once, we can start with several thousands in a country and expand from there. We must do what we can to help those who struggle.