Chief Operating Officer at Bitchem Asphalt Technologies Ltd - Guwahati, Assam, India
With a mission of building Green Roads® to save the environment from harmful carbon emissions, we are a new-generation, green technology for road paving that is environment-friendly, health-friendly, climate-friendly and non-hazardous for all stakeholders involved in road construction.We have an extensive know-how in producing patented tailor-made coldmix® products for different applications.In business since 2008 backed by a strong team and latest technology, we have successfully paved over 8500 kms of green roads across the length and breadth of India. With the widest variety of value-added Bitumen products, state-of-the-art modern facilities and 24*7 customer support, we are proud to be our clients' preferred choice in a wide range of bitumen products and technology. Call +91 8876920128 for inquiries.