Senior Manager (Accounts) at GERMI (Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute) - Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
About GERMI: The Gujarat Energy Research & Management Institute (GERMI) is a centre of excellence in industry learning, and has been set up to develop human resource assets to cater to: • The petroleum and allied energy sectors duly recognizing the cross-cutting environmental dimensions,• Improve knowledge base through empirical state-of-the-art assessments • Assist development and implementation of suitably adapted policies, plans, programs and projects, and• Provide a competitive edge to present & future leaders including policy makers and technologists, for excellence at the national, regional and global levels. GERMI is:• Registered as Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, • Trust under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950, Promoted by the Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) Ltd., a Govt. of Gujarat undertaking.Vision:Our values and beliefs lead us to envision that young professionals in energy sector ought to have access to the opportunities for being more competent, efficient, highly knowledgeable and courageous to innovate and experiment in the global arena also that the societal concern of a citizen will inspire productive and efficient use of energy with wider perceptions of clean environment and awareness of futuristic scenario. Mission:Train and retrain professionals in Energy Sector, Provide facilities and opportunities for creation of knowledge, blue print of futuristic technologies and new business opportunities, Commit itself for societal good in all walks of human endeavour at macro as well as grass-root level.