Honeybadger is DevOps monitoring, for developers. *gasp!*Honeybadger simplifies your production stack by combining exception monitoring, uptime monitoring and check-in monitoring into a single, easy to use platform. We support a variety of languages including Ruby, JavaScript, Elixir, Go, NodeJS, Java, Python, PHP, Clojure and more.Honeybadger's notification system integrates with all of your favorite services including chat systems like Slack, HipChat, and Google Hangouts, alert platforms like PagerDuty and OpsGenie, and monitoring platforms like DataDog and VictorOps.Our system also integrates with all of the project management tools you already use, such as GitHub Issues, Jira, GitLab, Pivotal Tracker, and more. With issue automation, Honeybadger can even create and update issues automatically as they are fixed.Our platform is built for the hacker. From our deeply powerful error search engine to our no-nonsense, speedy (and not-a-single-page-app™) UI, we've built the features that you asked for. Customer service? If you need any technical help, our customer service inbox is monitored by the developers that built the product not passed around an account team. Lastly, Honeybadger is 100% bootstrapped and self-funded. We're also in this for the long-haul, with no runway, burn rate, or any of the concerns of our competitor's and their VC-overlords. We're lean, profitable, and feeding our growing families with this business.If you're a customer, thank you for this. We couldn't have done it without you. If you're not a customer yet, please consider giving us a try. We built Honeybadger just for you.