Harkamal Mangat

NPI Technician at MRO Electronic Supply - Calgary, Alberta T2E-8G8, CA

Harkamal Mangat's Contact Details
(403) 291-0501
MRO Electronic Supply
Harkamal Mangat's Company Details
MRO Electronic Supply logo, MRO Electronic Supply contact details

MRO Electronic Supply

Calgary, Alberta T2E-8G8, CA • 65 Employees

MRO is a Canadian manufacturing SMB (small-medium business) company of superior electronic solutions. We provide custom overmolded and non-molded cable assemblies, custom mid-highly complex wire harnesses, custom racks & box builds, and we also do our own in-house tooling. Since our inception began as a parts supply company over 30 years ago, we continue to also provide electronic component and parts sales commercially, further continuing our strong supply chain relationships. We support multiple sectors, with a primary focus on Defense and Aerospace, where electronic solutions manufacturing excellence is critical and where failure is not an option. Specializing in particularly harsh environments with our rugged product offerings means you stay connected in the most remote, hot, cold, wet, dirty, and mission critical situations. Please feel free to contact us for your cable projects and your electronic parts & component needs. *AS9100 *ISO9001:2015 *IPC/WHMA-A-620 (Class 2 & 3) *CGP *JCP *NCAGE *NAICS *NIST

Details about MRO Electronic Supply
Frequently Asked Questions about Harkamal Mangat
Harkamal Mangat currently works for MRO Electronic Supply.
Harkamal Mangat's role at MRO Electronic Supply is NPI Technician.
Harkamal Mangat's email address is ***@mroelectronics.com. To view Harkamal Mangat's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Harkamal Mangat works in the Electronics industry.
Harkamal Mangat's colleagues at MRO Electronic Supply are Spenser Lytle, Ali Wang, Aileen Sison-Catahan, Tyson Reyes, Wayne Jung, Dan Poluk, Jodie Barlow and others.
Harkamal Mangat's phone number is (403) 291-0501
See more information about Harkamal Mangat