Welcome to Our company page! I'm glad you found us! At Linked into Business(LIB) we are Here to make your travel easy and smooth. If you check our product and services page you will sees that TravelGrid is a legacy product and has been running in large corporates for near a decade.This is an Automation tool for corporate travels which gives travel administrators and travels the freedom to choose from the widest range of travel suppliers. It offers complete power permission process for the employers so that they can have control and transparency over every expenditure. Travel Grid is a process oriented tool and ensures highly reliability and cost effectiveness within lesser time during operations.We work in the four ways • We implement solutions for you• We customize solutions for you• We teach and train you • We keep the solution up-to-date with the need of timeTravelGrid solution can be deployed both on premise or through Cloud solution technology. We are an end to end travel and expense solution and bring mobile and social to the world of travel. • Expense Management• Travel Management • Invoice Management If you have been thinking us to be a part o you or the other way aound, contact our consultants at archana@travelgrid.in, Manohar.v@travelgrid.in+91 80 2660 2550