HLS Healthcare Risk Solutions is a community of healthcare professionals with an interest in CQC Compliance, Quality, Risk and Safety. Through online and face to face opportunities it is creating a non-threatening, supportive environment which empowers organisations to share and learn from each other. Our network and events are suitable for healthcare professionals working in Compliance, Quality, Risk or Safety in care homes, acute hospitals, maternity units, or mental health facilities. What we offer:• Networking and Sharing Events• Compliance Clinics – learning from the inspectors and from each other• Seminars – Concentrating on the Key Lines of Enquiries and utilising internal review methodology • External Compliance Reviews – A Fresh Pair of Eyes• Governance and Quality Reviews• Training courses and Facilitated events• ISO 9001 Reviews for healthcareHarriet has worked with in many different healthcare environments; including in the UK, Europe and America. She has extensive Governance and Safety experience and her involvement with different healthcare accreditation schemes has enabled her to build up global experience in third party assurance schemes. She has significant experience writing, developing and implementing quality improvement programmes. Harriet has previously been an assessor for the NHS Litigation Authority and is currently an ISO 9001 Lead Auditor and CQC Specialist Advisor. Harriet Smith of HLS Healthcare Risk Solutions