Divorces, indeed all family law issues, are different, unique in fact. Halligan LLC understands the uniqueness of your situation. No two clients are ever the same. No two divorces ever start the same.Halligan LLC knows the divorce experience differs greatly from client to client for the simple reason clients come to us from widely divergent circumstances.Some see us in the very early stages of contemplating a split with their spouse. Some come to us reeling after being unexpectedly served a summons and complaint for divorce by their spouse. Some may have an inkling that their spouse is considering dissolving the marriage and want to explore the legal implications in advance. Sometimes, both spouses may have discussed and put off divorce for years – for a variety of reasons – and have finally decided that the time is right. And, every once in a while, someone comes to us because they have noticed changes with their spouse that are concerning and want to explore all their options before a crisis develops.Different people have different situations with different needs and concerns. We are here to guide them toward the best solution . . . for the best outcome.If any of this rings true for you, please call us at (720) 608-2361 or submit the contact form below for a free consultation.