Whitehall Finance provides a working capital solution to Buyers at the head of a supply chain who want to ensure that their suppliers have the option to be paid immediately upon invoice approval. Buyers simply approve invoices and suppliers can opt to receive immediate payment. For Buyers:Whitehall Finance provides a Win Win solution for you and your suppliers. Your suppliers get paid immediately. You can share in the benefit through opting to participate in providing the finance. Your suppliers focus on quality and delivery in order to have their invoices approved.For InvestorsInvest in invoices which have been approved by the Buyer and are supported by a commitment for payment on a specified date. You are investing in the credit strength of the buying business and not the underlying supplier. Returns are clear and transparent.For SuppliersSuppliers are notified by the Whitehall Finance platform when invoices are approved. They can opt to be paid immediately on better terms than can typically be found using traditional finance options.