Seattle Rockeries designs and builds structural rockeries, rock walls, retaining walls and rock gardens for Washington State homes and properties. We use quality basalt, limestone and granite boulders and stone to create stunning, functional rockeries within your landscape and outdoor environments. Seattle Rockeries is a professional land excavation contractor for landscaping and earth moving projects in Washington State. Our landscaping technicians can assist in outdoor demolition, development and land shaping for new landscapes. Seattle Rockeries takes care of the existing surroundings during excavation jobs, ensuring our clients do not have damaged landscapes or property. Seattle Rockeries provides Dumpster Services and Dump Truck hauling as a few of the services that our Excavation Team offers: Excavation Backfilling Demolition Pin Piles Conveyors Craned Bagged Soil Importing of bulk material Site Clearing Basement Excavation Landslide Cleanup Seattle Rockeries builds and installs retaining walls professionally, for properties in Washington State. Retaining walls are commonly used on sloped landscapes to contain soil and help with water drainage during the rainy season. We design and implement retaining walls for all landscape environments and soil conditions including soil, sand, clay and everything in between. We plan our retaining walls keeping slope's angles in mind and accommodating for proper weight distribution above and below the retaining wall. Why do I need a retaining wall? Retaining Walls provide functional support for keeping soil in place. Retaining Walls prevent sink holes and eliminate the eye sore of dirt piles and hills. Retaining Walls are helpful in preventing flooding. Retaining Walls reduce maintenance and prevent erosion. Retaining Walls prevent damage to property or surrounding structures.