Business Development and Client Services Manager at Oilfield & Technical Supplies Center Wll - , ,
"Evolution is inevitable"In an environment that is dynamically evolving, to map the business future of the Kingdom of Bahrain, organizations have the unique opportunity to catch the vibrant success wave and ride it to greater heights of achievements. OTSC perceives every wave as a window of opportunity, to capitalize, to grow and to enrich people through perseverance and partnership.THE ORGANIZATION:With an illustrious history of 35 years of trading experience in the Gulf, two dynamic entrepreneurs Vasudev Bhatia and T.K.Gandhi took a decisive step 20 years ago, to found a new company - OTSC. Moving into a domain totally dedicated to the oil and related industry was a bold decision taken by these visionary Leaders. It was a strategic move that paid rich dividends, establishing OTSC as the most reliable source for all Oilfield and Technical Supplies, thus also deriving the acronym (OTSC). In fact today it has the market position of a brand and is a benchmark for other similar businesses. Currently flourishing under the leadership of Viren Bhatia OTSC is poised to sscale further heights of accomplishments.Engaging primarily as a single source for all Oilfield and Technical Supplies, OTSC's reach has today expanded to encompass ancillary industries with a portfolio of global partnerships enabling an inventory supply chain of more than 100 products and suppliers.