Harsh Kudwa

Director at Nexus Greenhouse Corp - , North Carolina, United States

Harsh Kudwa's Contact Details
Nexus Greenhouse Corp
Harsh Kudwa's Company Details
Nexus Greenhouse Corp logo, Nexus Greenhouse Corp contact details

Nexus Greenhouse Corp

, North Carolina, United States • 1 - 10 Employees
Marketing and Advertising

Nexus Corporation is a boutique Contingency Search firm which recruits experienced professionals for permanent as well as contract jobs for corporations in Japan. Focusing on distinct vertical markets, Nexus has been designed to assist clients and candidates in disciplines such as Information Technology, Sales, Marketing, Human Resources, Accounting, Finance, Legal and Compliance.With our knowledge and experience gathered over the years, we are capable of recognizing and understanding the complexity of the local market. We believe that each search is unique to each of our candidates and clients. Hence, we give utmost importance to ensuring that each party is thoroughly understood.We offer Contingency Search services for Permanent as well as Contract positions in the following areas: * HelpDesk & Desktop Support Engineers * Network & Server Engineers * Software Development Engineers * Business/Systems Analysts * Project Leaders/Managers * Sales and Marketing * Human Resources * Accounting and Finance * Legal and Compliance * Executive/IT Assistants 株式会社ネックサスは、経験豊富な人材スタッフを国内の各企業様にご紹介しております成功報酬型のサーチファームです。当社は独特な垂直市場に焦点を置きながら、情報技術、営業、マーケティング、人事、経理、財務、法務、コンプライアンス等の職種において人材を求める企業の皆様、及びこれらの職種において転職をご希望される求職者の皆様をご支援いたします。私共は長年に渡る経験から国内市場の複雑さ、及び各サーチが求人企業及び求職者の方々にとってユニークなものであることを認識しております。そのため当社では、各当事者が十分に理解されるよう常に心がけております。当社は、以下の職種において成功報酬型サーチ業務をご提供いたします。 * ヘルプデスク&デスクトップサポートエンジニア * ネットワーク&サーバーエンジニア * ソフトウェア開発エンジニア * ビジネス/システムアナリスト * プロジェクトリーダー/マネージャー * セールス・マーケティング * 人事・総務 * 経理・財務 * 法務・コンプライアンス * エグゼクティブ/ITアシスタント

Details about Nexus Greenhouse Corp
Frequently Asked Questions about Harsh Kudwa
Harsh Kudwa currently works for Nexus Corporation.
Harsh Kudwa's role at Nexus Corporation is Director.
Harsh Kudwa's email address is ***@nexuscorp.jp. To view Harsh Kudwa's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Harsh Kudwa works in the Staffing & Recruiting industry.
Harsh Kudwa's colleagues at Nexus Greenhouse Corp are Larry Simmons, Mami K, Nathalie Hailer, Junko Kuramochi, Shwetha Ganapathy, Gary Chudd, Khondker Alam and others.
Harsh Kudwa's phone number is ["3203199122","3034572801","3034574000","3034579199","8282539006","5756802696","5057150090","3034508513"]
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