Sundyota Numandis - Our name, rightly captures the essence of our existence. It means 'a sparkling expression of joy, empowered by the cosmic energy of the Sun'. It also signifies our business philosophy of 'Celebrating Life'. Our group of companies comprises of Sundyota Numandis Pharmaceuticals, Sundyota Numandis Probioceuticals & Sundyota Numandis Research & Formulations. As a group that is futuristic in approach, we believe in creating our own path. Just over a decade young, we are already recognized as one of the top future healthcare companies of India. Our business practices are firmly founded on ethics and science-based marketing. Today, we reach out to over 40,000 specialist doctors, encompassing Pediatricians, Gynaecologists, Orthopaedic Surgeons and more. Likewise our chemist reach extends to over 1,00,000 counters. We put our heart and soul in everything that we do. With freshness in thought process, originality in approach and unmatched commitment, we have accomplished what many other companies can only dream of! Having partnered with some of the world's leading organizations, we are known to bring the best of the global researches to India. Today, we boast of an enviable product portfolio comprising of some of the finest probiotics, nutraceuticals, phytopharmaceuticals and high end pharma-biotics. Our relentless efforts and endeavor to better ourselves have earned us the trust of thousands of doctors and millions of patients across the country. Moreover, some of the top like-minded healthcare companies are partners in our shared vision of bettering human lives. With all of this, we believe that we have just begun and still have a long way to go in establishing concepts like preventive healthcare and nutritional therapies to bring about wellness and well being to the entire humankind.