Templar Titan, Inc. is a global risk mitigation firm comprised of diversely skilled subject matter experts with varying backgrounds and skill sets that combine extraordinary capability, relentless work ethic with noble services. Templar Titan is a multi-disciplinary organization, 19 years in existence that serves transnational corporations, governments and select private entities. Templar Titan engineers client/situation-specific risk mitigation plans & services that best address needs and global footprint in the form of Consulting, Training, Products & Direct Action; This includes, but not limited to the following: By providing personnel whose first priority is a moral and ethical approach to client satisfaction, Templar Titan is able to commit its full resources to the success of meeting our client's goals. We are engineered by our very roots to be available twenty-four hours every day, in any weather in any city on any continent, and on all seven seas. We offer: · 24/7 Global Emergency Response · Risk management consultancy· Risk and threat vulnerability assessments and mitigation· Physical Security and IT ArchitectureTemplar Titan utilizes its network that includes numerous Fortune 500 companies, foreign governments, current & former clients, colleagues and even the U.S. government & active military to create rapid solutions for the afflicted globally. We pride ourselves in our ability to rapidly create crisis contingency plans on whatever scale globally applying immediate attention, skilled personnel and engaging in a moments' notice often times post a phone call. Templar Titan is a small business with extraordinary capability combined with effort and a rich past performance to support."Providing Timely Solutions to Complex Scenarios"