STEMCA mandate is to empower talented and driven people to promote and teach STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) values to the students in their communities.STEMCA Inc provides an innovative and advanced Robotics Education platform for teaching and learning STEM applied in robotics.Here is a quick overview of our platform and programs:STEMCA School of Robotics - We provide a very affordable and easy to use Robotics Education platform for teaching and learning STEM applied in robotics - Here at STEMCA we created a very flexible and open hardware and software educational platform that empowers the teachers to cover all STEM elements using our curriculum. - Our platform consists of: - online development tools - STEMCA App Inventor and STEMCA 3D Modelling and Printing IDEs - robotics education kit, with many extensions - curriculum focused on teaching STEM applied in robotics - learning centre for teachers, students, courses, workshops, demos, locations management and logisticsSTEMCA Innovation Centre - The place to excel and innovate through advanced robotics experiments with proper supervision