HEIT Solutions is a Health Promotions Company driven by design thinking. We believe in health promotions and its strategic efficiency in delivering a healthier community. We listen to all environments because the changing definitions of HEALTH requires that we keep up with the rapidly changing micro and macro environment of the healthcare system. These changing environments are yielding outcomes that are largely unfavourable to life and interventions designed to sustain it.This is why at HEIT Solutions, we choose to balance the speed of the changing environment with a likewise fast mode of delivering interventions that will help optimise life.The brand identity picks its attribute from the NEEDLE AND SYRINGE SYSTEM based on the ability to deliver solutions that have been creatively crafted (evidence based and needs driven health promotions interventions) and get that to the desired point of action (persons, societies, policy makers, industries etc) the fastest way possible. All these are accomplished in partnership with the receiver.We are delivering life's solutions.