Our company was established in 1992 is fast emetging as total Textile Machimery Manufacture,Professionally managed with introducing new concepts in this fiels, alliancde managemant by usibng state-of-the-art Technologies and a staf of highly Trained & Experiebced professionals. Our benchmark has always been to translate the needs of our customers into time bound,cost effective & quality oriented results. The underlying motive has always been to have a performance sustained presence in the market. All the machines are designed and developed in-house as well as custom made.We comtinue to build our business on the bases of " Customer Care ", " Cost Effective " & " Quality".We are (NTM) developed and implemented a Quality Management System in order to document the company's best business practices, better satisfy the requirements and expectations of its customers and improve the overall management of the company. Management is committed to the development, implementation, and improvement of the quality management system by communicating to the employees the importance of meeting Quality Management System, customer and regulatory requirements, establishing quality policy and objectives, conducting periodic management reviews and making necessary resources available.