We are your one-stop-shop for reliable, compelling, multifaceted, and argumentative political writing. The CR is a student-founded, student-run, and student-intended publication that aims to spark political discourse across campus by providing students of all political backgrounds the tools they need for effective debate and discussion on the big issues affecting our society today. In this publication, we introduce the style of two or more writers who argue in favor and against each political issue; this format not only informs readers of statistics and hard facts but also how these facts are harnessed by supporters of either side. This way, readers can learn how to dispel such facts to support their own arguments and political endeavors. Through reading CR, we hope to provide a unique source of entertainment and education and allow readers to cultivate their own beliefs.The CR as a whole is not only a strong proponent of free speech but a fierce advocate for the power of discourse. Through discussing what makes us uncomfortable, we all grow: we learn by listening and by being listened to. We hope that we can be more than just an educational source to you; instead, we hope to become a springboard from which you can dive into tough political conversations. The world we live in today tries to convince people to divide themselves by what they do or do not believe. At the Claremont Radius, we will show that not only do you not have to settle for that ideal, but that the true divide is between people who strive to understand all perspectives and people who care for only their own.