Rahsa Nusantara is a showcase of heritage Indonesian beverages that benefit people and planet. We choose local and all natural herbs from local farmers, especially organic farmers from our networks. These good ingredients are then handcrafted by our production team into special products. Works done by people will consume less energy and will provide fuller beverage taste. Thus, a healthy ready-to-drink Indonesian beverages are produced with less waste and more values. Our consumers who needs healthy, natural drinks as well as wanting to give good impact to environment. We will be happy to provide and deliver beverages of their choice using glass containers instead of plastic ones. They can opt to (1) buy glass bottle and its content, or (2) refill and return glass bottle, in which our courier will deliver refills to them. This system leads closer relationship and communication with our consumers, encouraging and supporting communities of healthy living and planet loving enthusiasts.Healthy and mindfulness is part of our enterprise's value. Each month we do Qi Gong or yoga with our team. The session is also a good platform to meet potential customer and to build trust.Then, our organic production waste do not go transported to landfills. We work with nature to make values from our residues and giving them back to the earth through farmers. Currently, we work with 70-100kg raw materials each month, from which we yield 50-70kg wet organic waste to be transformed into high-humic acid fertilizers and high-protein animal feed. This effort creates a closed material/back to nature cycle. On the other hand, connecting with farmers and customers is a way to encourage social connections, a very important capital for a more sustainable economy.